I had surgery on Monday… nothing serious, but I’ll spare you the details. I’ve broken plenty of bones and have gotten plenty of stiches in my 25 years (most of which were simple acts of stupidity), but I was 4 or 5 the last time I had surgery and was put under… I don’t remember much of that at all.
I’ve always done what most folks do with health issues. Ignore them. Still haven’t gotten my wisdom teeth out, and probably wont until I have a real problem. But I’ve been in a good deal of pain and discomfort since November, and it was time to man-up and take care of things.
The surgery itself was a cinch (minus waking up during it, but I was so stoned I wouldn’t have cared if they chopped my legs off). Next I know, I’m in the recovery room. The surgeon and nurse we talking to me and asking questions, but I was completely fixated on a black and white sign across hallway. Immediately I was frustrated. I could tell that the letters were BIG AS SHIT, but I couldn’t read them. Everything was blury and there was a voice in the back of my head whispering “whatever he is saying is probably important. Pay attention or you’re going to die”. I couldn’t. Instead I decided that this sign must be an eye chart and the doctor was just telling me to read line 6… that’s when I started to freak myself out a bit. I couldn’t find the giant E! That’s when I fell asleep again.
I woke up about 10 minutes later a bit more sober, asked the nurse to pass me my phone, and sent out a few texts letting folks know I was doing well and to my ride telling them that I was ready.
So here I am a couple of days later with a couple of percocets in my system, BORED AS HELL. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so immobile and it’s driving me mad. I’ve tried to watch movies, but I pass out during the opening credits. I have a stack of books that I’ve been wanting to get through, but I’m out cold by the first page. I’ve tried playing guitar, but I’m only comfortable laying on my stomach. My friend suggested I lay down on an ironing board and hang the guitar underneath. It’s frustrating.
I was told to chill out and write a newsletter… I wish I had thought of this yesterday. So here we are, and let me tell you that it’s nice to do something!
In music land, we got our first mix finalized! We’ve got a long road ahead and lots of recording left, but it’s nice to have a shiny reward along the way. I’ll be sharing the track with ya’ll soon! We have also been working out a handful of new tunes for the stage that we’re excited to show you! We’ve got a Cambridge show coming up in a couple of weeks (more on that below).
Thanks to all for the well wishes. Looking forward to getting back to work on the album real soon!
Be well,